새해 복많이 받으시십오.

                                                     On New Year’s Day

                                                And the whole year through,


                                                     I hope the kindness

                                                    you’ve given to others

                                                returns many times to you.

                                               May hope, love, and warmth

                                             be in your heart’s possessing,

                                                  and may the New Year

                                                     bring you and yours

                                                       many blessings.

                                                   Happy New Year!!

                사랑하고 존경하는프리몬트 제일교회 성도님께 새해 인사드립니다.

                                 성도님들과 가정과 생업 위에

                            하나님께서 주시는 하늘의 신령한 복으로 충만하시고

                         바라고 기도하시는 모든 일들이 구하고 생각하는 이상으로  

                       넘치게 이루어지는 경인년이 되시기를 간절히 기도드립니다.

                                               주정인 목사 올림